Speculative Cartographies: Mapping Difficult Histories (2022)
Exhibited as part of Counter-Memory Activism Symposium. Kjipuktuk Halifax, November 2022

This exhibition is a compilation of artistic research undertaken within sites of difficult  history in the forested landscapes of Eastern Poland and in Kjipuktuk (Halifax, Nova Scotia) between November 2019 and November 2022. The works in this exhibition have been created by utilizing digital technologies such as ground-penetrating radar, LiDar, locative media and photogrammetry along with analogue fabrication methods, to present a series  of site-specific research.

Speculative Cartographies is an art project dedicated to uncovering knowledge archived in landscape. Canadian artists – Angela Henderson and Solomon Nagler and Zapomniane Foundation Researchers Aleksandra Janus and Aleksander Schwarz – work with different ways   of mapping this knowledge, using data produced by non-invasive archeological tools, as well     as traditional archives and subjective maps drawn from local oral histories. This  work is accompanied by reflection on the very idea – and the possibility – of a monument. Speculative cartographies extracts material traces of violence, while simultaneously revealing the connection between human conflicts and transformations of the natural environment.

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